Recent content by jazz995756

  1. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    ProvideCurrentCPUInfo is true. Advice features is false. I have nothing related to CPUTscSync or CPUFriend. I have a Sabrent Rocket NVMe drive I’ve tried and a Sata m.2 samsung drive. Both have the same issue. I only ever have 1 drive connected as well to avoid any issues with multiple drives...
  2. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    I went ahead and tried the EFI and would still result the same way. My ram runs at 3600 I followed your suggestion and dropped it down to 3400 but no change. The few times I am able to boot into the os long enough to do anything I pull up the console and at times the last crash is airportd and...
  3. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    I can try that. As far as DisableLinkeditJettison and PowerTimeoutKernelPanic what do those need to be? currently from this EFI they're both true.
  4. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    Yeah it’s already in the EFI and enabled
  5. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    So I went ahead and tried adding small tree and still got crashes. Tried disabling amd power management and smc amd processor as well. Even tried disabling my network adapters in my bios to see if that’s actually causing the problem but I keep getting restarts.
  6. jazz995756

    John's Asus X570 I Gaming EFI (Works on MOST Asus X570 & B550 Motherboards)

    Hello, I’ve been trying to get Monterey working for the longest time and can’t ever seem to fix my problem. I used the latest 0.8.4 you posted and only changed my cores to 0C, added my platform info and removed small tree since I know it’s broken and can use lucy instead. Changed bios settings...
  7. jazz995756

    Constant reboots in Monterey

    I am having issues getting Monterey to work properly. I can install it just fine but as soon as I boot into Mac OS I get a panic and reboots itself. Very rarely can I login long enough to even take pictures of the logs below. I've tried recreating my config many times and can't get it to work...
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