
I have a MacPro 5,1 running Catalina. I love this computer, I think upgrade time is upon. The design of the MacPro5,1 is a pinnacle in human achievement. I know newer hardware will be more powerful, but I have muy doubts that it will match the Cheese Grater in clean design, innovation. and durability.

The great exception: AMD processors. I am so impressed with what AMD has accomplished, working out from under Intel's ugly shadow, AMD has kicked some serious butt.

I have never built a Hackintosh™. I looked into it a few years ago. The Hackintosh™ community seems weird to me, I don't get it really. Weird rules.

For instance, I want some straight answers on which path I should take for Hackintosh™. From what I saw before, there was no place that would give answers unless they conformed with the local community guidelines, and every community was built around one of the Hackintosh™ paths. I don't remember exactly how it was, but it was something like "You cannot talk about building a Hackintosh™ with AMD here or with this other boot loader here, we are an Intel OurBootloader site, you cannot expect us to support competition!" Well, ok, I can sympathize, but then that means I am on my own figuring out which Hackintosh™ world I am going work in. Ok, is there no general Hackintosh™ community somewhere? Let's not forget, it's like we are a completely above board scenario, not if you ask Apple about it. Anybody I see riding a high horse .. yes sir yes sir kiss my butt.

Goal #1 in my research: Find out the deal is on getting OSx to run on machines that don't have Apple's silicon, and is there a dead end none of us will ever get around due to Apple's commitment to their own silicon and those new M chips or whatever they are called. They were just showing up in products last I was visiting Hackintosh™ land.

In parallel with the Apple Silicon constraint, I need to find out if AMD is feasible for me with Hackintosh™. When I last was in Hackintosh™ land, AMD had just started kicking the snot out of Intel. That is what got me interested in avoiding the Intel crapfest to use AMD, but AMD Hackintosh™'s were not well established, compared to the Intel rigs. So my other Goal #1 is to determine whether AMD Hackintosh™ is for me.

I am only mildly interested in the science making a computer. The reason I am going Hackintosh™ is Windows sucks and Apple turned my MacPro into a Hackintosh™ when they dropped my rig from the models they support with OSX. And there is no way I am going to spring the $$$$ for Apple Pro hardware. Too expensive and not good enough. I am utilitarian.
none, just starting research


I am here to Hack OSX onto AMD super processors. My opinion = AMD makes nothing but super processors.
Potential Showstopper: I need to run Virtual machines on my Hack OSX, even though one of the first warnings in OPEN CORE installation guide is "VMs not supported"


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